Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly. Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly. Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly. Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly. Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly. Liszt, tönkölybúza, tönkölyliszt, malom, websop, webáruház, búzaliszt, bioliszt, reformliszt, gluténmentes, süteményliszt, alakor, finomliszt, kenyér recept, kukoricaliszt, rizsliszt, gabona, grahamliszt, rozs, rozsliszt, teljes kiőrlésű, tönköly.
Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt,
Flour, blue wheat, blue wheat flour, blue wheat flour, triticale, triticale flour, triticale flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, emmer, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, einkorn, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, einkorn, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, einkorn, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, einkorn, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, spelt, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, spelt, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt, Flour, spelt, spelt flour, mill, wheat flour, organic flour, reformed flour, gluten-free, cake flour, spelt, fine flour, bread recipe, corn flour, rice flour, grain, graham flour, rye, rye flour, whole grain, spelt
Building on the 180 years old traditions and legacy of the very first steam driven roller mill in Hungary, we strive to meet the modern consumer demands of the 21st century by producing specialty products without compromise in quality, being dedicated to providing for healthy living.
Located in Central Hungary utilizing the grain crops of the the richest soils of Europe and the exceptional climatic conditions produce a wide variety of milled products meeting even the highest demands.
„Nemes Pest megyének határában, alkalmasint Pesten vagy Budán, részvényes társasággal gőzmalmot szándékozom állítani s pedig nem azért, hogy egy gőzmalmunk legyen, hanem, hogy ez mintául szolgálván – lassankint mindenütt állítassanak fel gőzmalmok s Hazánk gabona helyett végképp liszttel űzze kereskedését, miáltal nemcsak mezei gazdáink nyernének tetemesen, de a gyengébb sorsának is új keresetkör nyittassék.”
Gróf Széchenyi István
Our History
Important and interesting facts and information about flour in general. What makes flour good or bad? Which flour is for what? Flour is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the kitchen, yet there are many common misunderstandings and misinformation about flours in the public consciousness. Here we have collected the most basic information, knowing which you can navigate this area more confidently and use this important ingredient more successfully in your kitchen, to the delight of your family and guests.